Saint Paul Island Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy

Saint Paul Island Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy

In 2015, the Aleut Community of St. Paul Island (ACSPI), located on St. Paul Island in the Bering Sea, initiated a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) planning process. ACSPI led the project, in partnership with the City of St. Paul, the Tanadgusix Native Corporation, the Central Bering Sea Fisherman’s Association, and other community organizations and partners. […]

Tanana Chiefs Conference Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Planning Support

Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC) hired Agnew::Beck to assist with the development of a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for the region and its member communities. The TCC CEDS summarized economic indicators and conditions for the region and sub-regions in visually-compelling ways and offered development strategies to empower TCC member communities and residents in the region. […]

Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy

The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, located on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation in Idaho, alongside Agnew::Beck developed a focused and in-depth Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) that became the foundation for the community’s economic development efforts and position the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes and their Eastern Idaho partners for economic resiliency. Agnew::Beck kicked off the project in February of […]

Southwest Alaska Municipal Conference: Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Update

The Southwest Alaska Municipal Conference (SWAMC) is a non-profit regional economic development organization for Southwest Alaska. Agnew::Beck was hired to help SWAMC update the SWAMC Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). The CEDS, which is required by the Economic Development Administration (EDA), guides SWAMC’s efforts and provides staff with the background and direction they need for […]

Alaska’s Rainforest Islands Marketing Strategy

Agnew::Beck helped the communities of Petersburg, Wrangell and Prince of Wales Island develop a Central Southeast Alaska Marketing Strategy to improve the visitor industry in the region. As part of this marketing effort, sparked by the coming of a new regional ferry system in Central Southeast Alaska, a series of stakeholder meetings were held to […]

Bristol Bay Native Corporation Regional Economic Development

Agnew::Beck works with the Bristol Bay Native Corporation to promote economic development and improve employment and educational opportunities in the Bristol Bay region. These efforts aim to enrich Alaska Native culture and the ties to the land that are the basis for a way of life for so many people in Bristol Bay. Agnew::Beck has […]

State of Alaska Fiscal Policy Outreach Planning

Cady Lister (Information Insights) and Shanna Zuspan (Agnew::Beck) collaborated to prepare a public outreach plan and public meeting materials to help Alaskans chart a path toward fiscal sustainability. Approximately 90 percent of Alaska’s general fund budget comes from oil revenue, which is expected to decrease by 2017. In order to ensure fiscal sustainability, Alaskans need […]

