The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, located on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation in Idaho, alongside Agnew::Beck developed a focused and in-depth Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) that became the foundation for the community’s economic development efforts and position the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes and their Eastern Idaho partners for economic resiliency. Agnew::Beck kicked off the project in February of 2016 with a week-long intensive community visit to the 5,800-resident reservation. The project visit included interviews, focus groups and presentations with the Tribes’ Business Council, Fish and Game, Housing, Transportation, Tribal Enrollment, Tribal Employment Rights Ordinance and Water Resources Departments (including contractors working on current projects with the Tribes). After the initial visit, the project team returned to Fort Hall to share preliminary data, including relevant data on demographic and economic trends, market research, resources and infrastructure data for Fort Hall, the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes and the region, with the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes CEDS Committee. Agnew::Beck conducted over 30 interviews, focus groups and community conversations to solicit input from key informants and stakeholder groups on economic strategies and community priorities. Agnew::Beck co-presented on the CEDS process with the Tribal Planning Department and key CEDS Committee Members at the annual Idaho American Planning Association conference in Boise.