Science Facilitation

Science Facilitation

Aleutian Bering Sea Island Landscape Conservation Cooperative Strategic Planning, 2014-present Agnew::Beck recently facilitated a two day strategic planning session for this collaborative organization. The Landscape Conservation Cooperative works to better understand and then develop strategies to respond to changing environmental challenges in marine and terrestrial environments in western Alaska. This region is facing increasing serious […]

Chugach National Forest Plan Revision

As an early adopter of the federally mandated “New Planning Rule”, the United States Forest Service began a Forest Plan Revision for the Chugach National Forest. During Phase One, the Forest Service assessment current ecological, economic and social conditions and trends related to the Forest and Southcentral Alaska. The Forest Service contracted with Agnew::Beck to […]

The Alaska Water and Sewer Challenge

The Alaska Water and Sewer Challenge engages six cross-disciplinary teams together from across the globe to work with Alaska communities to design, prototype, test and evaluate in-home water and sewer systems for rural Alaska. Current community level piped systems are expensive to build and operate, funding is decreasing, and for a variety of reasons there […]

CILC Receives Grant

Congratulations to Cook Inlet Lending Center, Inc.​ for receiving a grant that will assist many low-to-moderate income households with home ownership. Agnew::Beck is proud to have helped with the grant application process!


The Cook Inlet Tribal Council, on behalf of the Cook Inlet Housing Authority and with technical assistance from Agnew::Beck, was awarded the 2014 ICDBG in the amount of $600,000 for the future development of Creekview Plaza, a multifamily, mixed use affordable housing project in the Muldoon neighborhood.

Nez Perce Tribe Awarded ICDBG

With grant writing technical assistance from A::B, the Nez Perce Tribe was awarded a 2014 ICDBG grant in the amount of $500,000.

Long-term Care Planning

Recommendations for an Alaska Long-term Care Strategic PlanClient: State Of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, 2012 Long-term care, also called long-term services and supports, is care for people who need help with activities of daily living, such as feeding themselves, bathing, dressing, grooming and moving around. In fiscal year 2012, the State of […]

Fairbanks Natural Gas Distribution Study Focus Groups

For years, Fairbanks residents have struggled with high energy costs, particularly for home heating. To help address these concerns, the Interior Energy Project (IEP) plan is to liquefy natural gas on the North Slope, truck it to Fairbanks, regasify it, and distribute the gas to homes and businesses. As part of assessing the feasibility of the […]

Fairview Neighborhood Plan

From the early 1990s to 2009, the Fairview Community Council led a planning effort that culminated in the Draft Fairview Community Plan. In 2013, the Fairview Community Council contracted Agnew::Beck to help move the plan to approval by the Anchorage Planning and Zoning Commission and adoption by the Anchorage Assembly. Agnew::Beck revised and distilled the […]

Traumatic Brain Injury grant awarded

Agnew::Beck helped put together a grant application for the Traumatic & Acquired Brain Injury Program. The grant was awarded and will bring nearly $1M to Alaska over the next four years, to accomplish the following goals: Increase TBI survivor access to timely and accurate TBI information at points of initial contact. Increase workforce knowledge and capacity […]

Kodiak Island Borough Code Revision

Agnew::Beck was contracted to revise the Borough’s comprehensive subdivision, zoning and real property codes. Our team is working closely with a Project Advisory Committee formed to represent the diverse interests of Kodiak residents, businesses owners, and stakeholders.  Representatives included Native corporations, people with experience in rural Kodiak and members of the Planning + Zoning Commission […]

Big Lake Comprehensive Plan Update

Agnew::Beck was hired to update Big Lake’s 1996 Comprehensive Plan. The highly participatory process included regular planning team meetings, public workshops, and the creation of “planning work groups,” including youth, who tackled specific key issues. These work groups offered a focused forum in which to create practical, locally driven solutions to specific issues. The work […]

