Long-term Care Planning

Recommendations for an Alaska Long-term Care Strategic Plan
Client: State Of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, 2012

Long-term care, also called long-term services and supports, is care for people who need help with activities of daily living, such as feeding themselves, bathing, dressing, grooming and moving around. In fiscal year 2012, the State of Alaska spent over $476 million on 44,711 long-term care recipients. The cost of meeting this challenge will increase over the next three decades due to the baby boom generation “bubble” of increased demand for long-term care services. 

The State of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services hired Agnew::Beck to convene stakeholders and develop recommendations on ways to improve Alaska’s long-term care system. To do this, Agnew::Beck distilled issues, recommendations, and strategies from best practices research, expert interviews, a review of previous studies, and advisory committee input to create the draft recommendations for a strategic plan. The recommendations help address rising costs, the lack of public accessibility to the system, and the need to move people up and down the continuum of care from low to high levels of care and vice versa. The results of this effort provide the basis for a complete statewide strategic plan in the future. 

Other Long-term Care Projects:

Elder Needs Assessment + Guidebook for Elder Services
Client: Kodiak Area Native Association, 2009-2010

This project documented the needs of Kodiak’s Elders and their caregivers in order to inform the development of future programs and services as part of a broader vision for Elder Long-term Care. 

Unalakleet Assisted Living Feasibility Study 
Client: Native Village of Unalakleet, 2013-2014

Agnew::Beck conducted a feasibility study that captured realistic best-case (in terms of fee-based income) and worst-case scenarios for an assisted living facility for elders in the region. 

Juneau Senior Housing + Services Market Demand Study
Client: Juneau Economic Development Council (JEDC), 2014

The JEDC hired Agnew::Beck to conduct a market demand study for senior housing services, with a focus on assisted living. Agnew::Beck reviewed existing studies and conducted key informant interviews to identify gaps in the continuum and barriers that may prevent the market from filling these gaps.

Alaska Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Dementia (ADRD) State Plan
Client: Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, 2014

Agnew::Beck helped to draft a state plan to provide a comprehensive and coordinated approach to address the multiple and complex challenges that Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia (ADRD) poses to individuals, families, caregivers and our State’s budget.

