Mat-Su Health Foundation: Community Engagement Initiative

Mat-Su Health Foundation: Community Engagement Initiative

The Mat-Su Health Foundation’s (MSHF) Community Engagement Initiative is part of a broader effort to assess community health, prioritize health issues and identify strategies to address them. After completing a community health assessment (CHA) of the Borough, the MSHF engaged Agnew::Beck to communicate the findings from the health assessment to Borough communities in order to […]

Alaska’s Rainforest Islands Marketing Strategy

Agnew::Beck helped the communities of Petersburg, Wrangell and Prince of Wales Island develop a Central Southeast Alaska Marketing Strategy to improve the visitor industry in the region. As part of this marketing effort, sparked by the coming of a new regional ferry system in Central Southeast Alaska, a series of stakeholder meetings were held to […]

AWWU Public Information Campaign

The Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility (AWWU) constructs and manages Anchorage’s $7.9 billion investment in water and sewer infrastructure, the system that provides reliable water and wastewater services to more than 230,000 residents. Agnew::Beck contracted with AWWU to develop a proactive, integrated community education and outreach plan, designed to help the public more clearly understand […]

