City of Boise Housing Needs Analysis
Boise is Idaho’s largest city with more than 200,000 residents and a growing inventory of 90,000 housing units. In 2014, the City of Boise Housing and Community Development Division launched a housing needs analysis process and hired Agnew::Beck and RPI Consulting to lead the effort. The primary goal of the analysis was to describe current conditions […]
Marrulut Eniit “Grandma’s House” Assisted Living Home
Marrulut Eniit Assisted Living (MEAL), also known as “Grandma’s House,” was facing significant challenges to continuing its operation. In November 2010, MEAL engaged Agnew::Beck to develop a clear plan to achieve long-term sustainability. Working closely with the State of Alaska’s Senior and Disabilities Services, Rural Long Term Care Coordinator, Agnew::Beck analyzed the current business model, […]
Family-Centered Substance Abuse Treatment and Supportive Housing
Agnew::Beck is currently assisting the State of Alaska Department of Health & Social Services (DHSS), Division of Behavioral Health (DBH) with the Anchorage-based replication and implementation of the SHIELDS for Families model, an innovative program from Southern California that jointly provides substance abuse treatment and housing services for families involved in the child protection system. […]
Centennial Village Senior Housing: Program Development, Site Planning + Facility Improvements
Agnew::Beck worked with Cook Inlet Housing Authority (CIHA) to develop a comprehensive wellness plan for residents living in Centennial Village, a senior housing community in East Anchorage. AB conducted stakeholder surveys and focus group meetings to inform a preliminary assessment of residents’ health status and interest in support services and activities as they age on […]
Technical Assistance for Affordable and Accessible Housing Focus Area
Rural Alaska Community Action Program (RurAL CAP), Karluk Manor Housing First Program (2009-2010)In 2010, Agnew::Beck assisted RurAL CAP in program design, operations plan, feasibility analysis, and a pro forma to secure a $4 million dollar grant through the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation’s Special Needs Housing grant program for RurAL CAP. Funding was secured for the […]
Cook Inlet Housing Authority Business Enterprise Research + Planning
The Cook Inlet Housing Authority (CIHA) is the Tribally Designated Housing Authority for the Cook Inlet Region, Inc. CIHA specializes in quality affordable housing for elders, individuals and families in the Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (CIRI). CIHA has contracted with Agnew::Beck to assist with several initiatives: Centennial Village Wellness PlanAgnew::Beck worked with CIHA to develop […]
Native Village of Kwinhagak Pre-Development Plan for Build-to-Own Housing
As part of a team lead by Cook Inlet Housing Authority (CIHA) and funded by the Foraker Pre-Development program, Agnew::Beck worked with the Native Village of Kwinhagak (NVK) to develop a feasible financial model and pre-development plan for a build-to-own housing program for the Quinhagak community. NVK, as the tribally designated housing authority (TDHA) for […]