As part of a team lead by Cook Inlet Housing Authority (CIHA) and funded by the Foraker Pre-Development program, Agnew::Beck worked with the Native Village of Kwinhagak (NVK) to develop a feasible financial model and pre-development plan for a build-to-own housing program for the Quinhagak community. NVK, as the tribally designated housing authority (TDHA) for Quinhagak, is implementing a housing plan that will add 150 quality and energy efficient homes to ease overcrowding and replace 1/3 of the housing stock deemed unsafe by two separate engineering studies. Part of NVK’s housing plan includes a build-to-own program where families contribute both mortgage financing and sweat equity to the construction of their own house.
The overall goal of the pre-development plan is to help NVK prepare a build-to-own demonstration program that is financially feasible and identifies the specific steps necessary for implementation. The pre-development plan includes a financial model that tests the feasibility of the program by analyzing the availability of funding and developing a construction budget for the homes. The funding plan draws from a range of sources including NVK’s NAHASDA funds and their housing revolving loan fund, sweat equity and mortgage financing from the homeowner, and other sources of funding.
The proposed NVK build-to-own program is a significant departure from the typical rural Alaska housing program that is almost entirely federally funded. Instead, 61 percent of the identified funding comes from local funds and the homeowner is expected to participate in the funding and construction of the home
The pre-development plan is scheduled for completion by the end of 2011. A design charrette is planned for January 2012 and construction of four units is expected during the summer of 2012