Mertarvik: Strategic Management Plan for Community Relocation

Mertarvik: Strategic Management Plan for Community Relocation

High erosion rates, increasingly powerful storm surges and severe floods threaten the Village of Newtok. Years of studies conclude that there is no permanent and cost effective means of remaining at the current village site. In 1994, the Newtok Traditional Council resolved that the best solution for the community was relocating to a new site […]

Centennial Village Senior Housing: Program Development, Site Planning + Facility Improvements

Agnew::Beck worked with Cook Inlet Housing Authority (CIHA) to develop a comprehensive wellness plan for residents living in Centennial Village, a senior housing community in East Anchorage. AB conducted stakeholder surveys and focus group meetings to inform a preliminary assessment of residents’ health status and interest in support services and activities as they age on […]

Pratt Museum Site Plan

The Pratt Museum is an excellent regional museum, dedicated to sharing stories about the cultural and natural history of the Kachemak Bay region. As part of the Foraker Pre-Development Program, the museum worked with architect Steve Fishback, the firm ECI/Hyer, Inc., and Agnew::Beck. A::B was responsible to prepare a site development program and physical plan […]

