Mertarvik: Strategic Management Plan for Community Relocation

High erosion rates, increasingly powerful storm surges and severe floods threaten the Village of Newtok. Years of studies conclude that there is no permanent and cost effective means of remaining at the current village site.

In 1994, the Newtok Traditional Council resolved that the best solution for the community was relocating to a new site approximately nine miles away on the north end of Nelson Island. A land exchange with the U.S. Department of Interior in 2003 paved the way for future relocation efforts.

Mertarvik_RelocationGraphic_38.2In 2006, the Newtok Planning Group formed consisting of state, federal and regional agencies working together to assist the effort. The group asked that the community create a Strategic Management Plan to serve as a road map and ensure the success of the relocation efforts.

Agnew::Beck, along with partners PDC Inc. Engineers and USKH, were hired to assist with the plan’s development. Agnew::Beck is in the process of working with the Newtok Traditional Council, the community and the Newtok Planning Group to prepare a Strategic Management Plan for the relocation. The resulting plan will strengthen coordination of existing and future efforts and increase the confidence of prospective funder helping ensure a successful village relocation.

