Thea Agnew Bemben is a principal and co-founder of Agnew::Beck Consulting, a planning, policy and community development firm based in Anchorage, Alaska, with offices in Soldotna, AK, Boise, ID, and Truckee, CA. Thea has 28 years’ experience working with statewide and community organizations to bring about real improvements in the health and social conditions of the people they serve. She has worked with communities in every region of Alaska to expand services for Elders, people with behavioral health issues and disabilities, and to strengthen vulnerable families.
Thea has lived in Anchorage since 1973, when her family emigrated from Britain and settled on Dena’ina lands. She is married and has two children. Thea spent much of her young adult life living in McCarthy, Alaska, located on Ahtna traditional lands. Her graduate degree in history focuses on the interactions between Yupik-speaking peoples and missionaries in the 1800’s, and how stories of these encounters inform our understanding of colonization and decolonization.
Thea is a co-chair of the Alaska Black Caucus health committee, a co-chair of the Anchorage Equity Committee of the Assembly, Vice President of the McCarthy Area Council, and a board member of the Thomas Center for Senior Leadership. She has previously served on boards for the Alaska Humanities Forum, the Anchorage Urban League, Wrangell Mountains Center, and Commonwealth North. She loves to run, ski, hike, write, read, and spend time with family and friends.