The Alaska Water and Sewer Challenge

The Alaska Water and Sewer Challenge

The Alaska Water and Sewer Challenge engages six cross-disciplinary teams together from across the globe to work with Alaska communities to design, prototype, test and evaluate in-home water and sewer systems for rural Alaska. Current community level piped systems are expensive to build and operate, funding is decreasing, and for a variety of reasons there […]

Big Lake Comprehensive Plan Update

Agnew::Beck was hired to update Big Lake’s 1996 Comprehensive Plan. The highly participatory process included regular planning team meetings, public workshops, and the creation of “planning work groups,” including youth, who tackled specific key issues. These work groups offered a focused forum in which to create practical, locally driven solutions to specific issues. The work […]

Mertarvik: Strategic Management Plan for Community Relocation

High erosion rates, increasingly powerful storm surges and severe floods threaten the Village of Newtok. Years of studies conclude that there is no permanent and cost effective means of remaining at the current village site. In 1994, the Newtok Traditional Council resolved that the best solution for the community was relocating to a new site […]

Lake and Peninsula Borough Comprehensive Plan

Agnew::Beck was hired by the Lake and Peninsula Borough to update their Comprehensive Plan. Building from past planning efforts, this plan focuses on identifying specific, tangible, near term actions that can be address the challenges and opportunities facing the region.  This work has been done from the ground up.  Earlier this year, borough staff, Planning […]

Bristol Bay Community Plans

Agnew::Beck understands that the Bristol Bay region is in a state of profound economic and social transition. In this context there is a tremendous need for community planning, to help villages clarify their own goals, preserve their values and benefit from development. In Bristol Bay, Agnew::Beck Consulting has worked alongside regional partners to produce a […]

