Prince William Sound/Chugach Sound Stories

Prince William Sound/Chugach Sound Stories

Agnew::Beck assisted the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and their project partner, the National Wildlife Federation (NWF), to conduct the public participation and facilitation process required to prepare a multi-purpose MapGuide for Prince William Sound (PWS) and Marine Trail. The project sought to help a broad and diverse audience CONSERVE, ENJOY, and UNDERSTAND the Sound. The […]

Iliuliuk Family Health Services Community Needs Assessment + Action Plan

Iliuliuk Family and Health Services, Inc. (IFHS) has a long history of providing services to the community of Unalaska since its official founding in 1972. The community health center serves two main communities: residents of Unalaska and the fishing fleet of the Bering Sea. IFHS makes operational shifts to accord with shifts in the fishing […]

Marrulut Eniit “Grandma’s House” Assisted Living Home

Marrulut Eniit Assisted Living (MEAL), also known as “Grandma’s House,” was facing significant challenges to continuing its operation. In November 2010, MEAL engaged Agnew::Beck to develop a clear plan to achieve long-term sustainability. Working closely with the State of Alaska’s Senior and Disabilities Services, Rural Long Term Care Coordinator, Agnew::Beck analyzed the current business model, […]

Outreach + Strategic Planning for Tobacco Prevention and Control

Leadership to Eliminate Alaskan Disparities (LEAD)Agnew::Beck assisted the Tobacco Prevention and Control Program to identify and address health disparities in tobacco use through a smart, well-crafted strategic plan. The ultimate goal of this project is to reduce disparities in tobacco use to improve health outcomes for individuals and communities. Agnew::Beck provided five related types of […]

Alaska Food Policy Council Strategic Plan, Action Planning, Facilitation + Support

In Alaska, as in other parts of the country, there is a growing awareness of the need for an organized voice to address policies affecting a group of food-related issues ranging from food security to economic development. The Alaska Food Policy Council emerged from a groundswell of interest from individuals voicing these concerns across the […]

Strategic Prevention Framework, State Incentive Grant

The goal of the State of Alaska’s Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG) grant program is to prevent substance use, abuse and dependency at the state/tribal, regional and community level. The Department of Health and Social Services awarded grants to six community coalitions to use the five-step Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) developed by […]

Family-Centered Substance Abuse Treatment and Supportive Housing

Agnew::Beck is currently assisting the State of Alaska Department of Health & Social Services (DHSS), Division of Behavioral Health (DBH) with the Anchorage-based replication and implementation of the SHIELDS for Families model, an innovative program from Southern California that jointly provides substance abuse treatment and housing services for families involved in the child protection system. […]

Centennial Village Senior Housing: Program Development, Site Planning + Facility Improvements

Agnew::Beck worked with Cook Inlet Housing Authority (CIHA) to develop a comprehensive wellness plan for residents living in Centennial Village, a senior housing community in East Anchorage. AB conducted stakeholder surveys and focus group meetings to inform a preliminary assessment of residents’ health status and interest in support services and activities as they age on […]

Hillside District Plan

The Municipality of Anchorage commissioned the Hillside District Plan to provide greater specificity for land use and public services than the municipality-wide Anchorage 2020 Comprehensive Plan. It also replaces the Hillside Wastewater Management Plan. The Hillside District’s complex land use and infrastructure issues requires a plan that carefully considered multiple viewpoints to establish sound public […]

Pratt Museum Site Plan

The Pratt Museum is an excellent regional museum, dedicated to sharing stories about the cultural and natural history of the Kachemak Bay region. As part of the Foraker Pre-Development Program, the museum worked with architect Steve Fishback, the firm ECI/Hyer, Inc., and Agnew::Beck. A::B was responsible to prepare a site development program and physical plan […]

Mat-Su Community Plans

Agnew::Beck has completed community and recreation plans throughout the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, including Comprehensive Plans for six communities and recreation and tourism plans for Talkeetna and several specific waterfronts and parks. These projects were all approved locally and by the Mat-Su Borough Assembly.  In all these plans we have been responsible for understanding goals for community […]

Bethel Comprehensive Plan

As the hub of the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta, Bethel has been experiencing growth from the region’s 56 villages, and many regional conditions have changed since the city’s comprehensive plan was adopted in 1997. Bethel currently faces many economic and development challenges, including extremely high energy and housing prices, the need to diversify the local economy, and […]

Technical Assistance for Affordable and Accessible Housing Focus Area

Rural Alaska Community Action Program (RurAL CAP), Karluk Manor Housing First Program (2009-2010)In 2010, Agnew::Beck assisted RurAL CAP in program design, operations plan, feasibility analysis, and a pro forma to secure a $4 million dollar grant through the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation’s Special Needs Housing grant program for RurAL CAP. Funding was secured for the […]

Cook Inlet Housing Authority Business Enterprise Research + Planning

The Cook Inlet Housing Authority (CIHA) is the Tribally Designated Housing Authority for the Cook Inlet Region, Inc. CIHA specializes in quality affordable housing for elders, individuals and families in the Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (CIRI). CIHA has contracted with Agnew::Beck to assist with several initiatives: Centennial Village Wellness PlanAgnew::Beck worked with CIHA to develop […]

Native Village of Kwinhagak Pre-Development Plan for Build-to-Own Housing

As part of a team lead by Cook Inlet Housing Authority (CIHA) and funded by the Foraker Pre-Development program, Agnew::Beck worked with the Native Village of Kwinhagak (NVK) to develop a feasible financial model and pre-development plan for  a build-to-own housing program for the Quinhagak community.  NVK, as the tribally designated housing authority (TDHA) for […]

Mat-Su Borough Master Trails Plan

The Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation was established in 2011 to meet the growing resource needs of trail users and trail groups in the Mat-Su Borough. The Foundation is ultimately hoping to support the development of an integrated system of trails throughout the borough. In 2011, the Mat-Su Health Foundation donated funding for the Trails […]

Big Lake Water Quality

During the summers of 2004, 2005 and 2009 the State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) conducted water quality sampling at Big Lake. The results showed repeated high levels of petroleum hydrocarbons above the State’s allowed threshold. Big Lake was later declared an impaired water body under the Clean Water Act because of this […]

Allison Creek

Agnew::Beck joins a team of sub consultants to Hatch Associates working with CVEA to obtain a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Application for License of the proposed Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project in Valdez, Alaska. Agnew::Beck brings expertise in recreation and tourism to analyze recreation opportunities and constraints in the Valdez region and develop a recreation […]

Hydroelectric Project Public Outreach and Resource Impact Study

To survive and thrive into the future, rural Alaska must find and develop new, more affordable, reliable and sustainable energy sources. Nuvista Light and Electric Cooperative explored one possibility: a Hydroelectric Project at Chikuminuk Lake. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) controls licensing of hydroelectric projects and mandates a cautious, detailed, multi-year licensing process, with […]

Bristol Bay Native Corporation Regional Economic Development

Agnew::Beck works with the Bristol Bay Native Corporation to promote economic development and improve employment and educational opportunities in the Bristol Bay region. These efforts aim to enrich Alaska Native culture and the ties to the land that are the basis for a way of life for so many people in Bristol Bay. Agnew::Beck has […]

