Agnew::Beck led a multi-disciplinary consulting team to guide and inform the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) to develop a set of recommendations for redesigning the Medicaid program to achieve the Department’s goals. Agnew::Beck worked with two national firms: Health Management Associates (HMA), a health research and consulting firm, and Milliman, an actuarial firm who specializes in healthcare analysis.
Agnew::Beck worked closely with staff from DHSS, the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority and a broad range of Alaska stakeholders to explore a variety of reform options and expansion scenarios, engage in a deliberative dialogue to refine the options most likely to work in Alaska, and to analyze and consider the options to develop a set of recommendations. The team published its report on January 22, 2016 and Governor Bill Walker issued a bill the following week that included most of the team’s recommendations. SB 74 passed the Alaska Senate unanimously with 13 co-sponsors, and the House of Representatives is currently deliberating on the bill. The recommendations included in the bill address the areas of primary care case management, behavioral health access, emergency care, health information exchange and data analytics, payment reform including a pilot project to test Accountable Care Organizations, recommendations for serving Medicaid Expansion enrollees, and ways to increase use of telemedicine and improve business processes in the Medicaid program.
Project Resources + Publications
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Healthy Alaska Plan Website
Recommended Medicaid Redesign + Expansion Strategies for Alaska: Final Report (January 22, 2016)
MCDRE_FinalReport+AppendicesAtoF_1-22-16.pdf (2mb)
Actuarial analysis produced by Milliman, Inc.:
Estimated Financial Impact of Medicaid Redesign Initiatives on the Alaska Medicaid Budget (January 19, 2016)
MCDRE_Actuarial_Redesign_1-19-16.pdf (840kb)
Estimated Financial Impact of Medicaid Expansion Coverage Options on the Alaska Medicaid Budget (January 19, 2016)
MCDRE_Actuarial_ExpansionPopulation_1-19-16.pdf (110kb)
Environmental assessment produced by Health Management Associates (HMA)
Healthy Alaska Plan: Medicaid Redesign and Expansion Environmental Assessment
MCDRE_EnvAssessment_Report_8-14-15.pdf (450kb)
Environmental Assessment Appendices (August 14, 2015)
MCDRE_EnvAssessment_Appendices_8-14-15.pdf (800kb)
Menu of Evaluation Measures for Implementation (May 31, 2016)
Examples of Dashboards and Visual Communication of Evaluation Measures
Linked in Menu of Evaluation Measures for Implementation (May 31, 2016)
1. Healthy Alaskans 2020, FY 2016 Scorecard (2015) (370kb)
2. Alaska Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC), FY 2015 Graphic (2016) (2mb)
3. Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, Behavioral Health Systems Assessment, Alaska’s Tribal Behavioral Health System Graphic (2015) (1mb)
4. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Section of Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Web of Chronic Disease Graphic (2015) (9mb)
5. Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS), Geographic Variation in Standardized Medicare Spending (2016)
6. California HealthCare Foundation, Monitoring Performance: A Dashboard of Medi-Cal Managed Care (2013) (2mb)
7a. Health Policy Institute of Ohio, Health Value Dashboard, Summary and Challenges (2014) (1mb)
7b. Health Policy Institute of Ohio, Health Value Dashboard (2014) (2mb)
8a. Oregon Health Authority, Office of Health Analysis, Oregon Metrics and Scoring Committee (2013) (80kb)
8b. Oregon Health Authority, Office of Health Analysis, Coordinated Care Organizations (CCO) Measurement Strategy (2013) (100kb)
8c. Oregon Health Authority, Office of Health Analysis, Oregon’s Health System Transformation: CCO Metrics 2015 Mid-Year Update (2016) (5mb)