Agnew::Beck was hired to provide community and facility planning services to seven communities in the Bristol Bay area of Alaska. The family resource centers that were developed in Bristol Bay varied in size and occupancy, depending on the capacity and needs of each village.
The most ambitious of these centers included space for nine services providers, lodging for itinerate providers, shared meeting space and a child care center. Others were combined with primary care health clinics, incorporating behavioral health into primary care.
The first phase of this project focused on assisting villages with planning and developing the physical facilities. The second phase focused on coordinating service delivery by bringing the regional organizations together, and by increasing communication between villages and regional program managers. Several of the planned centers included accommodations for travelers, as a means generate revenues to help support the facility.
Through our work, Family Resource Centers have become sustainable, comprehensive “one-stop shops” for family wellness including human service delivery and child care. The centers also support regional managers in the villages who work together to offer a continuum of service.
The project accomplished: Facility plans for six community facilities, Business plans and fundraising strategies for five facilities, Funding proposals resulting in $6.1 million secured towards construction and design, Fully-funded Family Resource Centers, some combined with clinics, for Togiak, New Stuyahok, Chignik Lake and Koliganek, Approved business plans for Pilot Point.