Agnew::Beck was contracted to assist the Bristol Bay Native Association in conducting an IGAP Work Plan Development Workshop and developing a Tribal Environmental Program Workbook for tribal environmental program staff.
The workshop provides a training format and planning framework to help tribal environmental program staff prepare successful IGAP proposals.
The workbook is intended to guide Bristol Bay communities in structuring their environmental programs to address local environmental issues, using a comprehensive long-range planning approach. By maintaining a big-picture perspective, environmental program staff can more successfully apply for and obtain funding from a wider range of sources than IGAP alone.
The Indian General Assistance Program (IGAP) is designed to assist Tribes in producing and maintaining their own environmental protection programs that follow federal guidelines. In 2005, after environmental concerns were brought up by congress, the EPA Office of Inspector General and the Office of Management and Budget, an Environmental Results Order was formed. The intent of the Environmental Results Order is to ensure that future EPA IGAP grant proposals incorporate more strategic planning and produce environmental results. In order for tribes to better understand these recent changes in regulations for developing IGAP proposals, the Bristol Bay Native Association wants to create a Bristol Bay IGAP Planning Workbook and conduct and IGAP Work Plan Development Workshop.