The Southwest Alaska Vocational Education Center (SAVEC), one of eleven state designated regional training centers, provides post-secondary vocational training to residents of the Bristol Bay region. In 2011, SAVEC contracted with Agnew::Beck for business planning services including assembling an operations budget and training development plan. This plan built off a previous SAVEC business plan completed by Agnew::Beck in 2008. The 2011 plan provides SAVEC with a roadmap for improving industry to vocational center partnerships, expanding services to high school students, developing SAVEC’s own training programs and stabilizing cash flow through new sources of funding (including the Alaska Education Tax Credit). To build the case for improving SAVEC’s approach to vocational training, a market study was completed examining the needs of industry and residents of the Bristol Bay region. To implement this new approach, the plan includes sections on improving the governance structure, center operations, marketing, partnerships and funding. The SAVEC board of directors and staff intend to use the plan as a resource to chart the future of their facility and its vocational training services. This business plan is an update to the 2007 business plan, also prepared by Agnew::Beck.