Hydroelectric Project Public Outreach and Resource Impact Study

To survive and thrive into the future, rural Alaska must find and develop new, more affordable, reliable and sustainable energy sources. Nuvista Light and Electric Cooperative explored one possibility: a Hydroelectric Project at Chikuminuk Lake. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) controls licensing of hydroelectric projects and mandates a cautious, detailed, multi-year licensing process, with a heavy emphasis on public and agency involvement. Agnew::Beck joined a team of consultants working with Nuvista Light and Electric Cooperative to obtain a FERC license for the proposed project. Agnew::Beck brings expertise in conducting visual, recreation and socioeconomic analysis to bear on studies in these subject areas to support Nuvista’s application for license. Agnew::Beck also assisted Nuvista with a comprehensive public outreach strategy to help residents and stakeholders better understand the goals of the project and the process through which they could be involved.


