Agnew::Beck joins a team of sub consultants to Hatch Associates working with CVEA to obtain a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Application for License of the proposed Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project in Valdez, Alaska. Agnew::Beck brings expertise in recreation and tourism to analyze recreation opportunities and constraints in the Valdez region and develop a recreation management plan for the project. The recreation plan will comply with FERC regulations; balance the concerns of Alyeska Pipeline Co. regarding increased activity in the area of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Terminal; involve local recreationalist and residents in the process; and respects and balance the power-generation goals of project, interests of ratepayers, and specific opportunities and constraints of the site. Agnew::Beck completed the Recreation and Aesthetic Resource Study for the draft application which included consultation with the City of Valdez, Valdez Parks and Recreation Commission, and Valdez residents.