In Alaska, as in other parts of the country, there is a growing awareness of the need for an organized voice to address policies affecting a group of food-related issues ranging from food security to economic development. The Alaska Food Policy Council emerged from a groundswell of interest from individuals voicing these concerns across the state. In 2011, the AFPC hired Agnew::Beck to facilitate a strategic planning process to solidify a purpose and direction to harness the energy of this passionate group. We organized and facilitated a two-day meeting of the AFPC’s administrative sub-committee to confirm the group’s mission statement, vision, role and governance structure. These ideas were refined into a completed five-year strategic plan to guide the AFPC’s activities and communicate policy priorities. Following the completion of the plan, Agnew::Beck assisted the group with developing a clear action plan that is now being implemented by the Governing Board and six workgroups focused on each of the priority strategies.
As part of a separate contract, Agnew::Beck also created a logo and style guide for the AFPC, leading a collaborative design process with a self-selected group of members to identify an attractive and communicative image representing their core values. For the following year (2012 – summer 2013), we provided meeting support, developed organizational capacity, and helped AFPC evaluate their progress after one year in order to plan ahead for the coming years.