Fisheries Stakeholder Meeting Facilitation

Fisheries Stakeholder Meeting Facilitation

In 2014, the Alaska Marine Conservation Council (AMCC) celebrated the organization’s 20th anniversary. As part of this milestone, AMCC sought to prepare an updated strategic plan for their next five years, 2015-2020. Agnew::Beck was hired to assist the Alaska Marine Conservation Council through the planning process. To kick off the effort, Agnew::Beck facilitated a half-day […]

CDC Early Childhood Obesity Prevention

Recognizing the impact of obesity on Alaskans, the state’s Obesity Prevention and Control Program (OPCP) sought to align the efforts of the program and its partner organizations by convening a community-based coalition focused on improving children’s health. OPCP contracted with Agnew::Beck to design a strategic planning process for the coalition. Agnew::Beck led the nascent coalition […]

Southwest Alaska Municipal Conference: Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Update

The Southwest Alaska Municipal Conference (SWAMC) is a non-profit regional economic development organization for Southwest Alaska. Agnew::Beck was hired to help SWAMC update the SWAMC Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). The CEDS, which is required by the Economic Development Administration (EDA), guides SWAMC’s efforts and provides staff with the background and direction they need for […]

Mat-Su Health Foundation: Community Engagement Initiative

The Mat-Su Health Foundation’s (MSHF) Community Engagement Initiative is part of a broader effort to assess community health, prioritize health issues and identify strategies to address them. After completing a community health assessment (CHA) of the Borough, the MSHF engaged Agnew::Beck to communicate the findings from the health assessment to Borough communities in order to […]

Science Facilitation

Aleutian Bering Sea Island Landscape Conservation Cooperative Strategic Planning, 2014-present Agnew::Beck recently facilitated a two day strategic planning session for this collaborative organization. The Landscape Conservation Cooperative works to better understand and then develop strategies to respond to changing environmental challenges in marine and terrestrial environments in western Alaska. This region is facing increasing serious […]

Bristol Bay Family Resource Center Planning & Development

Agnew::Beck was hired to provide community and facility planning services to seven communities in the Bristol Bay area of Alaska. The family resource centers that were developed in Bristol Bay varied in size and occupancy, depending on the capacity and needs of each village. The most ambitious of these centers included space for nine services […]

Lake and Peninsula Borough Comprehensive Plan

Agnew::Beck was hired by the Lake and Peninsula Borough to update their Comprehensive Plan. Building from past planning efforts, this plan focuses on identifying specific, tangible, near term actions that can be address the challenges and opportunities facing the region.  This work has been done from the ground up.  Earlier this year, borough staff, Planning […]

Tribal Environmental Program Training and Environmental Planning Workbook (Green Book)

Agnew::Beck was contracted to assist the Bristol Bay Native Association in conducting an IGAP Work Plan Development Workshop and developing a Tribal Environmental Program Workbook for tribal environmental program staff. The workshop provides a training format and planning framework to help tribal environmental program staff prepare successful IGAP proposals. The workbook is intended to guide […]

Technical Assistance, Rural Outreach and Proposal Development

Agnew::Beck holds multiple contracts with the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority to provide research, pre-project planning, technical assistance, strategic planning, program planning, business planning and analysis, board training and proposal development services. We have worked on many projects for the State of Alaska and nonprofit organizations that serve Trust beneficiaries. Through one of our Trust […]

Donlin Gold Regional Workforce Development Study

The Donlin Gold project is an ambitious effort to develop a large-scale gold mine in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. The mine, located 155 miles upriver from Bethel and ten miles north of Crooked Creek in the middle of the Kuskokwim River delta, is expected to have a total active life of 27 years. The mine is […]

Children’s Forest Initiative

The USFS engaged Agnew::Beck and partner Triangle Associates Inc. to assist the Chugach National Forest in drawing the next generation of children and their families outdoors. A::B and Triangle provided strategic planning, facilitation, and creative communication services for the Children’s Forest Initiative. The Children’s Forest Initiative Get Out, Go Wild, Change the Future Modern life […]

Outreach + Strategic Planning for Tobacco Prevention and Control

Leadership to Eliminate Alaskan Disparities (LEAD)Agnew::Beck assisted the Tobacco Prevention and Control Program to identify and address health disparities in tobacco use through a smart, well-crafted strategic plan. The ultimate goal of this project is to reduce disparities in tobacco use to improve health outcomes for individuals and communities. Agnew::Beck provided five related types of […]

Alaska Food Policy Council Strategic Plan, Action Planning, Facilitation + Support

In Alaska, as in other parts of the country, there is a growing awareness of the need for an organized voice to address policies affecting a group of food-related issues ranging from food security to economic development. The Alaska Food Policy Council emerged from a groundswell of interest from individuals voicing these concerns across the […]

Strategic Prevention Framework, State Incentive Grant

The goal of the State of Alaska’s Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG) grant program is to prevent substance use, abuse and dependency at the state/tribal, regional and community level. The Department of Health and Social Services awarded grants to six community coalitions to use the five-step Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) developed by […]

Family-Centered Substance Abuse Treatment and Supportive Housing

Agnew::Beck is currently assisting the State of Alaska Department of Health & Social Services (DHSS), Division of Behavioral Health (DBH) with the Anchorage-based replication and implementation of the SHIELDS for Families model, an innovative program from Southern California that jointly provides substance abuse treatment and housing services for families involved in the child protection system. […]

Hillside District Plan

The Municipality of Anchorage commissioned the Hillside District Plan to provide greater specificity for land use and public services than the municipality-wide Anchorage 2020 Comprehensive Plan. It also replaces the Hillside Wastewater Management Plan. The Hillside District’s complex land use and infrastructure issues requires a plan that carefully considered multiple viewpoints to establish sound public […]

AWWU Public Information Campaign

The Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility (AWWU) constructs and manages Anchorage’s $7.9 billion investment in water and sewer infrastructure, the system that provides reliable water and wastewater services to more than 230,000 residents. Agnew::Beck contracted with AWWU to develop a proactive, integrated community education and outreach plan, designed to help the public more clearly understand […]

